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Technology has affected recent human history probably more than any other field. 3D Printing brings two fundamental innovations: the manipulation of objects in their digital format and the manufacturing of new shapes by addition of material. We will go in further details later in the Guide. There are several different techniques to 3D Print an object. It brings a digital object (its CAD representation) into its physical form by adding layer by layer of materials. This overview article aims to provide the 3DPI audience with a reliable backgrounder on 3D printing in terms of what it is (technologies, processes and materials), its history, application areas and benefitsģD Printing is a process for making a physical object from a three-dimensional digital model, typically by laying down many successive thin layers of a material. 3DPI, a reliable media source for 3D printing, brings you all of the latest news, views, process developments and applications as they emerge in this exciting field. Most reputable commentators on this technology sector agree that, as of today, we are only just beginning to see the true potential of 3D printing. Applications of 3D printing are emerging almost by the day, and, as this technology continues to penetrate more widely and deeply across industrial, maker and consumer sectors, this is only set to increase.

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Essentially, what all of the processes and technologies have in common is the manner in which production is carried out layer by layer in an additive process which is in contrast to traditional methods of production involving subtractive methods or moulding/casting processes.

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The term 3D printing covers a host of processes and technologies that offer a full spectrum of capabilities for the production of parts and products in different materials.

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